Today where the most common names are from has a lot to do with leaves. Rain trees come from tropical America. In the morning, pinnate lobules will open to photosynthesis, and close in the afternoon to redue evaporate. And these small leaves are very sensitive. On cloudy days, they will close as if it were dark. If it rains at this moment, the heavy canopy will allow the rain to run down to the ground quickly.
Not only the small leaves and the weather have so subtle echo.The pod of rain trees will affected by the ambient humidity and have bend down appearance.When the humidity is high at night,the pod of rain trees will bend down.Therefore,we can tell if it will rain by looking at the condition of rain trees.
Another name of trees is more profound and more meaningful in ecology.People in tropical places think the lawn under rain trees is protected from the sunlight,but it can enjoy the rain on rainy days.In contrast to the lawns around the rain trees,they are more thriving.But this argument is too simple because it is likely that the grass under the rain tree is different from that around the rain tree.
1 意見:
Angel(安綺)Mar 17, 2012 01:11 AM
maybe you can put some pictures
it's not easy to understand what you want to say
it's not easy to understand what you want to say