Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
All the rest have thirty-one
Save February, she alone
Hath eight days and a score
Til leap year gives her one day more.
“leapers" or 'leaplings" = persons born on 二月二十九日
The chance of being born on a leap day is often said to be one in 1,461. Four years is 1,460 days and adding one for the leap year you have 1,461. So, odds of 1/1,461.
二月二十九日 Leap year is the traditional time women can propose marriage
超人 [chao ren] Superman 的生日是 二月二十九日, 他出生于Krypton 星球!
The TV news reported that a woman proposed marriage to her boyfriend yesterday, 29 February, on the street with a brand-new car as a gift to the man.
It happened in China, not Taiwan.