2011年12月19日 星期一
十一月三十日 是 St Andrew's Day

2011年12月8日 星期四
G1 Stop Wasting Food
According to the New York Times, Americans waste approximately 27 percent of thefood available for consumption in the
Food in
We are lucky.

We enjoy the buffet.
In fact,
More than £12 Billion in Food Waste Goes in the Garbage Every Year.
Zheng Yanji(鄭衍基), a famous chef in Taiwan.
He said,
”An outstanding chef should not waste our food.
you need to work on wasting less food!”
All You Can Eat
People in Taiwan like to go「all you can eat」restanrant because it's cheap.
But it's also wastes much food!
You can take lots of food but pay a little money.
Sometimes, you maybe get so much food because you think you can eat them all.
And after you leave, there is still food on your plates.
It might be really bad or remaining!
Our parents always tell us, never waste food!
But when we go「all you can eat」restanrant, we will forget that.
More and more people don't eat full in the world.
But people in
People in Taiwan wasted 2,750,000 tons last year!
It's a big numeral, isn't it?
Let's start to save food in our life!
What do you think?
張貼者: Lancy(龔亮媐) 於 下午2:23
- 王老师 提到...
Love food, hate waste
- 2011年11月16日下午8:58
- Lilian---俐安 提到...
we eat so many delicious food!!
I think we are really lucky----- 2011年11月21日下午2:22
- Nicole(黃詩涵) 提到...
The food is very delicious. I am hungry=(But I think it will waste a lot.So after today I will not buy a lot of food,and waste a lot.
- 2011年11月21日下午2:39
- julie---宜郁♫ 提到...
East Africa is a pool country.
we need to help them.
Hope you can join us.- 2011年11月21日下午2:44
- Benson(劉子賓) 提到...
The food is good. But a lot of people always waste food every day. So we have to reflect ourselves.
- 2011年11月21日下午2:44
- Lancy(龔亮媐) 提到...
The food are good to eat,
but we waste the food in our country,
it is not good thing.- 2011年11月21日下午2:59
- Sharon(葉湘凌) 提到...
The food is very important for everyone.We need to use all of it and don't think it's not very delicious ,then throw it away.
- 2011年11月21日下午3:24
- lydia(章醴云) 提到...
We have to stop wasting food.
Maybe few years ago,
people doesn't have enough food to eat because of wasting.- 2011年11月21日下午3:35
- Yvonne(涂欹) 提到...
i don't like this topic very much...
i don't hav much too much to say- 2011年11月21日下午3:38
- Angel(安綺) 提到...
the food looks delicious
but we waste it
oh poor the food- 2011年11月21日下午3:58
- Joey (忠孝) 提到...
I think we should consider how much food we can eat before we order the food. Think about the people who live in east Africa, stop wasting food, just do it by ourselves.
- 2011年11月21日下午9:39
- jimmy(王奕鈞) 提到...
I really don't know people in Taiwan wasted 2,750,000 tons food last year.
It is so terrible.
People really have to stop waste food, and do more for the famine country.- 2011年11月21日下午11:27
East African famine
East African famine in 2011 is very serious. A lot of people is focus on these report. And make us feel how happiness we are. If you go and surch about this kind of report,you will be more thankful of the things around us. Today I want to tell you about these kind of report, and I think ypu can learn a lot in this article and fell more sympathy.
This is the picture about famine distribution,and we can know it's uneven .
A famine is a widespread scarcity of food. This phenomenon is usually accompanied or followed by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality.
Emergency measures in relieving famine primarily include providing deficient micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, through fortified sachet powders or directly through supplements. The famine relief model increasingly used by aid groups calls for giving cash or cash vouchers to the hungry to pay local farmers instead of buying food from donor countries, often required by law, as it wastes money on transport costs, but more importantly, it perpetuates the cycle of dependency on foreign imports rather than helping to create real local stability through agricultural abundance. Such independence however does rest upon local conditions of soil, water, temperature and so on.
Long-term measures include investment in modern agriculture techniques, such as... fertilizers and irrigation, which largely eradicated hunger in the developed world. World Bank strictures restrict government subsidies for farmers, and increasing use of fertilizers is opposed by some environmental groups because of its unintended consequences: adverse effects on water supplies and habitatFood Distribution
This is the Victims in camps in Somaniya.
1.Two thirds of people on the earth live in areas where the food supplies are insufficient.
2.Over one half of the countries cannot produce enough food for themselves.
3.Twenty percent of people on the earth suffer from long-term malnutrition. The situations in Africa and South Asia are most severe.
4.In 2007, one third of the corns in the U.S.A were used in producing biofuel that made the food prices even higher.
5.Over forty million people of thirty-six countries in Africa are threatened by starvation. There are estimated three and half million to four million people in Kenya do not have enough food.
6.Everyone on the earth can have 340kg of food every year on the average, but the people in the developed countries can have 580kg of food every year on the average. Therefore, people in the developing country can have only 170kg of food every year on the average.
7.In 1995, American people wasted forty-three million and seven hundred thousand tons of food.
8. People in England dump four million apples, one million sausages and three million tomatoes every year, but it is just part of food wasting.
They are the refugee in Somaniya
Food crisis:
The unequal distribution of resources: The food crisis explained
One of the most striking examples of the unequal distribution of resources on the planet is the existence of chronic hunger in some parts of the world. Especially for children, hunger can be deadly or have grave consequences. As such, one of the millennium development goals is to reduce severe and moderate malnutrition by half among childrenthat are younger than five years old.They are the website you can get the information:
1. http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/11/7/26/n3325869.htm
2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/2011/nov/02/trafficking-on-rise-horn-africa
I found some movies/reports,and it is so poor , that level is not we can think about. So I suggest you can go to youtube and see some movie. I hope you can have new ideas about them.
And they are two movis i found. I think it is great for us to see.I hope you can learn a lot luke me.
After reading the report do you have any ideas about this article?
your imformations are so detailed!
and---we really waste so many food!!
that's terrible!! >_<- Benson(劉子賓)
提到... The article is nice. it's detailed, too. The movies and reports are nice. I like it.
- Yvonne(涂欹)
提到... i think the information is too complicated
and the words are too dense
i don't like it very much Lancy(龔亮媐)- 提到...
Your information is so much, great!!
but we can't waste the food.
waste food is not a good thing!!- Tina(雅婷)
提到... We should cherish our food.
No more waste
No more famine!- 王老师
提到... 我们 非常 lucky 因为 我们 (or 我) certainly have not had to endure the pain and suffering of a famine. 我们 可以 do our part to help by not wasting our food.
However, there are more reasons why food shortages are here on a worldwide scale, such as, extreme 天气; increased pollution; effects of GM crops; rising 油 prices and disappearing 蜜蜂 bees.
2011年12月5日 星期一

17 則回覆:
Lilian---俐安 提到...wow!
It's so colorful and so cute~~
And let's help children in need---^^
:] :) :D
tnivyedi 提到...
This found-raising event sounds interesting. But i have one question: what are the "spots" for in this event? Does it mean that people who donate money wear clothes with spots that day?
Lancy(龔亮媐) 提到...
The photo is so lovely.
It is have a lot of bots.
Let's help the children,too.
julie---宜郁♫ 提到...
so cute of this bear!
I like spots ,too!
Benson(劉子賓) 提到...
What's that? Is it a holiday? Why is Friday? Why do we need to wear spot? Tell me!!
lydia(章醴云) 提到...
This bear is so cute.
Let's can help the children who really need helps together.
Nicole(黃詩涵) 提到...
So cute picture. But is it a holiday?Why spot ,Friday and £1 is=children in need?
What is £1 ?
jimmy(王奕鈞) 提到...
Why we have to wear spots in Friday? What this £ mean? The bear is so cute, I like it.
Sharon(葉湘凌) 提到...
The bear is so cute and this culture is so special.
But why is Friday?
We can help the children ,too.
Yvonne(涂欹) 提到...
this activity is very strange
and even the information in the website is very few
i can't understand what is going on
Angel (品儀) 提到...
I like bears~
and that bear in picture is so cute and colorful~
I like it so much♥
Feiyu(王翡宸) 提到...
Is something special on Friday?
And what kind of the kids need this help?
Joey (忠孝) 提到...
Is this the activity of BBC? How can we help those children? Are there any ways that we can do except donating? Is the activity just for the people in UK?
Tina(雅婷) 提到...
Sounds great!!!
I think it's an interesting and meaningful activity.
Tara 苔乐 提到...
no, its not a holiday, its a day where we come into school with spotty clothes on to raise money, and there is no reason why it is on a Friday! the £ is money! yes it is the activity from BBC!
11 意見:
Andy Murray's muscle really catch my eye haha
and I think he also plays tennis very well:o)
Our National Day also called Double Ten Day, it's on October tenth.
Because it is the start of the Wuchang Uprising of October 10, 1911.
We have fireworks, shows and concerts.
i looks fun...
Shortbread looks delicious!
And Highland is cute...I think...
I like them!
the dancing looks fun
and shortbread looks great
Susan is a famous singer~
I like her very much!!
The cookie's space is heart. It's so cool!
wow~~~I think it's a special day---
There are so many wonderful things in Scottland~~!!(^0^)
I think the highland 牛 look really cool and cute.
The cookie- shortbread look delicious.
There are so many special things and people in Scottland .
It's a nice day.